Why Should I Get My Air Conditioner Tuned Up?

Air conditioning tune-up

Spring is the perfect time to get your air conditioner tuned-up. Contrary to what some may say, air conditioning tune-ups are not a waste of time or money. Lack of maintenance is one of the most common reasons why homeowners have problems with their air conditioners.

Just like your car, your air conditioner has movable parts, is subject to weather, and requires annual maintenance to help it from breaking down. You wouldn’t go years without changing your car’s oil would you?

Why make your air conditioner suffer?

According to Energy.gov, “Neglecting necessary maintenance ensures a steady decline in air conditioning performance while energy use steadily increases.”

Having your air conditioner tuned up will:

Extend the life of your air conditioner

Air-conditioning tune-ups help reveal potential issues with your system before they become a problem. You can fix the issue at your convenience instead of encountering a surprise breakdown. You may even add 3-5 years of life to your air conditioning system.

Make your air conditioner more efficient

During your tune-up your air conditioner will get a thorough cleaning. A cleaner system makes for a more efficient system. When you let dirt and debris build up in your system it can obstruct the flow of air and force your system to work harder than it needs to.

Save you money

 If your system is maintained it won’t have to work as hard, better efficiency leads to more money in your pocket.

 Keep your warranty

 Most manufacturers require that you have routine maintenance done on your equipment.

At Best Heating & Cooling we service any make or model of air conditioning system. We ensure the job is done right the first time. Contact us today for spring maintenance on your air conditioner.