Why Does Your Attic’s Ventilation Affect Your Energy Bill?

attic ventilation

Have you ever come home on a hot summer day only to find out your home has turned into a sauna? Or have you been cranking up your air conditioning with no relief? If you have been caught in either of these situations then it is time to check out your least visited room – the attic. Poor attic ventilation can be the culprit behind your uncomfortable home and increasing energy bills. Best Heating & Cooling in the Salt Lake City area is here to make sure your family is comfortable all summer long.

Heat movement explained

One of the first things taught in science class is that heat rises. This is not the case for homes with inadequate ventilation and insulation in the attic; instead it migrates down. Let’s put it into perspective. The hot July sun beats down on the roof, heating the attic. The attic fills with hot air and pushes it down throughout your home. Now your home is uncomfortable and will take longer to cool due to these hot summer days. Excess heat creates an undesirable environment which is why homeowners immediately crank up their air conditioning or fans. With poor attic ventilation, this is only masking the problem while increasing your bills and overworking your system.

Heat gone wrong

Hot air is unpleasant for the entire household, but did you know your home is taking a hit as well? Hot air is full of moisture, and when left to hang out in the attic, serious problems can occur. Condensation and excess heat can cause major damage to your roof and the materials of which it’s made. These conditions also create the perfect environment for mold and mildew to grow. This leads to hefty repair bills for which no one is prepared!

A well ventilated attic minimizes the potential for unexpected costs and repairs while keeping you and your family cool all summer long. Best Heating & Cooling expertly gets the job done. Check out these star-spangled savings you can take advantage of this month!

Need service scheduled or have any questions? Contact us online or call us at (801) 492-0977 today.